Tilted Pulse Front Method
Experimental set up layout. The input laser is split between the pump and the probe beam using beam splitter BS1. The pump beam is used to generate THz using tilted pulse front method in LiNbO3 crystal. The generated THz is steered using four off axis mirror and focused at the ZnTe crystal. The probe beam is used to detect the generated THz via electro optic sampling technique. The THz signal is measured using lock-in amplifier and computer.

GaP 110-cut crystal 10x10x2mm
We demonstrate broadband high-power terahertz (THz) generation at megahertz repetition rates by optical rectification in GaP driven by an ultrafast Yb-based thin-disk laser (TDL) oscillator. We investigate the influence of pulse duration in the range of 50–220 fs and thickness of the GaP crystal on the THz generation. Optimization of these parameters with respect to the broadest spectral bandwidth yields a gap-less THz spectrum extending to nearly 7 THz. We further tailor the driving laser and the THz generation parameters for the highest average power, demonstrating 0.3 mW THz radiation with a spectrum extending to 5 THz. This was achieved using a 0.5 mm thick GaP crystal pumped with a 95 fs, 20 W TDL, operating at 48 MHz repetition rate. We also provide a simple method to estimate the THz spectrum, which can be used for design and optimization of similar THz systems.

Lithium Niobate Crystal for High Field Ultrafast Terahertz THz Generation
Shown in a video MgO(0.6%)- LiNbO3 prism with aperture 20x20x39.25 AR coated for tilted pulse front phase-matched high efficiency THz generation @ 800nm pumping - request a quote at sales@dmphotonics.com
We have currently in stock several options of Terahertz MgO:LiNbO3 crystals:
1. Aperture size 5x5, 10x10 and 20x20mm
2. MgO - 0.6% and 1%3. AR coating for all different wavelength from 700nm to 1100 nm (800nm and 1030nm are the most popular options).

110 cut GaP crystals 5x5x0.1mm for THz application
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About us
Terahertz Crystals operated by Team Photon, an established manufacturer and system integrator of advanced photonics products for scientific and industrial applications.
Team Photon product portfolio includes ultrafast laser oscillators and amplifiers based on Ti:Sapphire, Cr:Forsterite, Er- and Yb- doped fibers; variety of measurement tools such as autocorrelators, SPIDER and cross-correlator and a femtosecond dynamic research tools such as Beacon fluorescence up-conversion and Hatteras transient spectroscopy pump-probe systems. Team Photon offers integration of femtosecond laser systems for multiphoton imaging, scanning probe microscopy, micromachining, molecular dynamic, X-ray and plasma research, THz generation and spectroscopy and other applications.
Featured on this site is a variety of Terahertz crystals, components and systems, including ZnTe, GaP, GaSe, MgO:LiNbO3, THz vacuum viewports, THz high power sources.
Team Photon is headquartered in San Diego, CA